
IFR Meeting 07 - 08 july 2018 - certification of international breed suitability.

All Member Clubs, especially their breed wardens, have been invited to a meeting that will be organized on 07-08 july 2018 in Switzerland.

The need for a much broader genepool of dogs that have been assessed on their physical and genetic health and on their conformation to the FCI standard, has indeed never been more acute than today.   To attain this goal, we must perhaps not aim at a complete homogeneity of all our breeding regulations as this would be unrealistic due to historical, legal and cultural reasons, but these must at least show homogeneity in the definition of the breed and in the establishment of minimal characteristics to be present before a dog can and may be declared breed suitable.   

The meeting will discuss and demonstrate existing regulations and tests and will introduce discussions and proposals for communal minimal criteria, both in breeding regulations and breed suitability tests, so these can be established and then imposed by all member clubs to their members.     This must lead to more homogeneity in the breeding and keeping of the Rottweiler and especially the preservation of the traits that define him, including the traits of the strong self-confident and well balanced working dog.   This will aim at results on the longer term but in addition, the idea is also on the table and this on a short term, to issue an IFR-recognized certificate that would recognize the international breed suitability of individual dogs. 

We are convinced that all Memberclubs are aware of the extremely important nature of this Meeting and its possible implications for the future of our beloved Rottweiler !

Vis Unita Fortior !!


The following Member Clubs have announced their presence at the Meeting of 07 – 08 July 2018.

  • Belgium
  • British Rottweiler Sports Dog Club
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • The Netherlands

Two clubs that sent an application for Membership have announced their wish to be present.    Ths was accepted to broaden the discussion and to familiarize the applicants with existing regulations and/or those to be prepared, although they will of course not have a vote nor will their application in any way be discussed or decided upon.

The meeting is long overdue and  we look forward to a fruitful meaningful discussion about which is so close to our heart and that is meant to preserve it's future : the physical and mental conformation of the Rottweiler breed and its physical and genetic health !     

With friendly greetings,

D. Vandecasteele.