
Pending new legislation in Spain - no longer BSL !

Dear Rottweiler Friends,

Only months ago, the Rottweiler world was shaken up by publications about the fact that in Galicia, the Rottweiler could only be shown with a muzzle.

The Spanish legislation is indeed breed specific (BSL), qualifies the Rottweiler to be one of 13 "dangerous breeds" (sic) and the Galician police was enforcing this legislation at a dog show.

Today, I learn that the Spanish legislator will issue a new legislation that will no longer be breed specific, or in other words that will no longer be based on the breed of a dog to declare it to be dangerous or not but will be based on the behaviour of the individual dog.

This is great news, of course first of all for the Spanish dog lover but also for us all !

I congratulate and thank from all my heart all those people in Spain that strived and worked hard for this, Rottweiler lovers or not and members of an IFR Member Club or not, for their efforts and hard work !!    

Still, we may not rest but must remain aware of the reality that not all people share our love and knowledge of the dog.    We may not sit still  ! 

This touches the very core of the IFR and of all IFR Member Clubs.    Tests of social behaviour must be a mandatory part of our breeding regulations and activities.

Don’t forget : it is up to us to prove – every day again – that the Rottweiler is a socially natured dog breed that has its place in human society … because nobody else will do it for us !

Let’s act, not talk.   Acta, non verba.    Today and tomorrow, not just tomorrow and not just in words.

With friendly greetings,

 D. Vandecasteele.