
Norwegian regulations on length of muzzle.

We were informed by the Norwegian Rottweilerclub about its following decision and showregulations concerning the length of the muzzle of the Rottweiler, an issue that concerns all Rottweiler lovers :

Changes to the regulations on the IFR World Championship

The articles 3 and 20 of the Regulations on the organisation of the IFR World Championship IPO III ABC were changed in the sense that

  • each team may consist out of 7 participants + 2 reserve
  • the organising country may (but this is not obligatory) appoint a chief judge

The full text of the Regulations can be found on this website.

New IFR-Magazine is available

The newest IFR-Magazine is now available both in hard copy (printed magazine) and in digital version (PDF-download for only 5 euro).

The magazine is again of high quality and can be ordered on the page "shop".


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