
IFR Magazine - establishment of Board of Editors

The IFR publishes its own magazine of high quality and standing, called “The Rottweiler in the World” and that brings news about all that concerns our wonderful breed, including shows, working-trials, breed-suitability tests, etc. … .

The magazine is available in hard copy (printed) and in a digital version (download) at very cheap prices.      It can be ordered on this website

To make it even more successful, we will now establish a Board of Editors and we have asked all Member Clubs but also all specialist judges :

  • to send us articles (we only publish articles written by judges) and photo’s about shows, trials and/or other activities, articles on all things that concern the health and conformation of the Rottweiler, etc. … .
  • those that are intrested to work with us in the board of editors can contact us by or Erika Stepanauskiene :

Again : the magazine offers all Member Clubs and judges a unique possibility to spread knowledge all over the world.     (Commercials are also welcome).    Please share your knowledge about your national club and national Rottweiler population or in general on our beloved breed.   The instrument for this is there ... .

All Member Clubs are also invited to send us the dates and contact information about their activities for 2018.


Addition to the regulations on the IFR World Championship IPO III ABC (castrated dogs).

The IFR Board received the question if a castrated dog can participate the IFR World Championship IPO III ABC.    The current regulations do not state on this.    After consideration, the Board decided to adopt the regulation (art. 6.8) of the FCI on the organization of the World Championship for all breeds :

Castrated bitches and male dogs can be admitted if proof of original intactness is furnished by way of a veterinary certificate.

Cfr. the full text of these regulations.

The Rottweiler at the FCI World Championship 2017 all breeds.

Not less than three Rottweilers from IFR-Member clubs competed at the FCI World Championship all breeds 2017  !    Congratulations with the results ... and thank you for representing our breed, a utility breed !
Gavin Buck - Stormhaus Drago (Great Britain)
Dmitry Dudukin - Cid vom Rottberg (Russia)
Madeleine Daleo - Just Ask Yale (Sweden)

IFR World Championship 2017.

The full results are published on and are now on this website too. Cfr. the page "results".  We look back at a great event with not less than 56 entries !   

In the teamcompetition, the first place went to Germany, the second to Sweden, the third to the Netherlands.

Individual results : World Champion 2017 = Ricard Adams with Finn vom Erpenstein (the Netherlands).    The second place was for Cristiano Cavallo with Cash (Italy) and the third place for Dmitry Dudukin with Cid vom Rottberg.

BSL Alert in Spain (Madrid) and Wallonia (Belgium)

At a time that we are convinced that it has been long proven that there is no such thing as a "dangerous canine breed", again initiatives for Breed Specfic Legislation (BSL) were announced in Spain (Madrid) and in Belgium (Wallonia).   The Spanish (CRE) and Belgian (BRK) IFR-Memberclubs  have said to fight those proposals. The IFR-Board will therefore not intervene directly with the authorities that have announced those legislative initiatives but has offered its help to the Memberclubs concerned as I am sure that all other Memberclubs will do too.  Will be followed up upon.

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